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Types of Cat Worms, Its Symptoms And Treatments

Our furries are often susceptible to parasites and worms, which can have severe results on their health if not given timely tapeworm treatment for cats. Tapeworms in cats are common and is caused by when they come in contact with infected faeces and parasite eggs.

Cats run the risk of contracting worms and parasites when they venture outdoors. Additionally, cats may also get worms from close contact with other cats and animals, and even from accidentally ingesting contaminated food and faecal matter. Cats also often end up ingesting eggs or faecal matter of types of cat worms while grooming themselves.

What are the signs and symptoms of worms in cats?

As cat parents, it is important to look out for the signs and symptoms of tapeworm or symptoms of roundworms as mentioned below, and get tapeworm treatment for cats if needed. 

  • Since parasites and types of cat worms are commonly found in their stomach and bowels, diarrhoea and vomiting are among the common symptoms of worms in cats.
  • Tape worms in cats can also lead to loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, straining while trying to poop, dark stool, and blood in urine.
  • Traces of parasite eggs and types of cat worms can be found in the stool of infected cats, as well as under the tail and anal area. 
  • Tape worms in cats can also lead to lethargy, coughing, laboured breathing, sudden collapse, and seizures.
  • Open wounds and lesions on the skin also indicate cases of types of cat worms.

Are worms painful for cats?

Yes, having worms can be significantly painful, resulting in distress. Since hookworms in cats borrow into the intestinal walls, it can cause internal bleeding and swelling. Furthermore, if not given tapeworm treatment for cats, hookworms in cats can lead to potentially fatal cases, or symptoms of tapeworm or signs of a tapeworm lead to progressive anaemia, weight loss, skin infections, and blindness. 

Different Types of Worms in Cats

  • Roundworm

    Roundworms in cats are highly transmissible. Roundworms in cats have typically rounded bodies, often resembling a piece of noodle, and are commonly found in the intestinal region. Symptoms of roundworms in cats include frequent vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and fatigue from roundworms in cats. Roundworms in cats and the symptoms of roundworms can also be passed on to humans from close contact.

  • Tapeworm

    Like roundworms and hookworms in cats, tapeworms in cats are also often found in the intestine and are characterised by long, flat bodies. However, tapeworms in cats are difficult to diagnose in adult cats, making regular check-ups from a veterinarian important if you suspect tapeworms in cats. Additionally, tapeworms in cats can also result in symptoms of tapeworm or signs of a tapeworm such as rapid weight loss, poor fur condition, straining while pooping, and discomfort around the anus as part of the symptoms of tapeworm or signs of a tapeworm.

  • Heartworm

    Heartworms, as the name suggests, are parasites found in the heart and blood vessels of cats, and can cause significant damage. Heartworms in cats are of substantial concern in cats as there is limited heartworm prevention for cats or heartworm treatment for cats, and without the necessary heartworm prevention for cats, can often prove fatal for cats irrespective of their age. Symptoms of heartworm in cats include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, coughing, and vomiting.

  • Lung flukes

    Although the cases of lung flukes in cats are significantly rare, cats can contract lung flukes by ingesting contaminated water or through close contact with other animals already infected by lung flukes. Lung flukes can have severe symptoms in cats including coughing, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

  • Hookworms

    Hookworms in cats are more commonly observed in kittens and young cats. Symptoms of hookworm include rapid loss of weight and blood, often leading to anaemia from hookworms in cats.

  • Whipworms

    Whipworms in cats are found in the intestinal walls of cats, resulting in symptoms such as inflammation of the intestinal lining, weight loss, and watery diarrhoea.

  • Stress Induced Alopecia

    Stress-induced alopecia in cats is a common disorder caused by anxiety and distress. It can cause felines to aggressively groom themselves, resulting in loss of hair in patches.

How do you know if a cat has worms?

Different worms exhibit different structures. Thus, you can lookout for signs of them in the faeces of your pet cat. You can also be attentive to symptoms like diarrhoea, vomiting, weight loss, such as worms in cat vomit.

Can humans get worms from cats?

Yes, humans can also get infected by cats. This is why it is always advised to wear gloves while feeding your cat, or cleaning its litter. If you use your bare hands, then avoid putting them in your eyes or mouth and clean them thoroughly.

What should I do if my cats have worms?

If you suspect that your cats have worms, you should immediately take it to a vet. Administering medicines to your cat on your own can have a severe impact on your cat. Instead, you should always consult a vet for the treatment of worms.

How long does it take to get rid of worms in cats?

Worms can multiply in numbers at a rapid pace and can continue to do so even after the first dose of deworm cat medicine. Thus, the process of treatment for worm infection can last for a month to make sure not a single worm is left in your cat.

How to get rid of worms in cats naturally?

Foods like pumpkin seeds, chamomile, coconut, carrots, and apple cider vinegar can prove to be very effective against worm infections for your cat. But it is always advisable to visit a vet for a surer treatment against worm infection.

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