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Cat Scratching and Clawing and its Treatments

Wondering what does it mean when a cat rubs against you or why do cats rub against legs? Cats are immensely playful and interactive. As amusing and adorable as it sounds, these funny little felines are not completely devoid of naughtiness and might end up playfully biting, cat rubbing, or cat scratching you. Although cat scratching and cat clawing is mostly an instinctive reaction and not carried out of malice, it can still be painful and annoying. Additionally, scratching is an important social interaction in younger kittens, as well as allowing cats to express emotions such as excitement or stress, keep their claws sharp, and even mark their territory. So, what does it mean when a cat rubs against you or why do stray cats rub against your legs?

Why is scratching a problem?

  • Understanding your cat’s behaviour

    Wondering why is cat scratching on the scratcher cat so frequently? Knowing why cats scratch can help you to develop a better understanding for your kitty.

  • Nature of your cat

    Wondering what does it mean when a cat rubs against you or why do cats rub against legs? Cats that have grown up by themselves are known to scratch, bite, and play rough as a single kitten syndrome.

  • Motivate your Cat

    Cats can end up cat scratching when they are bored or are overstimulated. So, motivating your furry munchkin belly rub cats, scratcher cat, or using cat nail covers or nail clippers for cats is effective in avoiding cat scratches.

  • Check your Cat’s anxiety level

    Why do stray cats rub against your legs? Anxiety can cause cats to continuously stay on alert, entering their survival mode, and scratch more frequently. Hence, it is important as cat parents to know how to alleviate stress to avoid cat scratches.

  • Cat’s natural territorial instincts

    As a part of their territorial instincts, cats are known to make their territory known by leaving scratch marks in the surrounding area.

  • Medical therapy for cat

    Medical therapy for cats can also affect their mood, resulting in frequent cat scratches and bites.

  • Entertain your cat

    Worried about why do cats rub against you? Entertaining your cat, such as offering them catnip, belly rub cats, scratcher cat or toys, using cat nail caps and nail clippers for cats, or playing can prevent cat scratching.

  • Making changes to your house

    If you are apprehensive about your kitty scratching up expensive furniture around the household, consider installing scratch posts and scratcher cat as cat scratching treatment for your furball.

How to Identify Your Cat’s Scratching Problems?

As innocent as cat scratches are, it is also important to note that cat scratches are uncomfortable and annoying. So. if you are fostering a furry feline at home, pay extra attention to your cat’s scratching problems and patterns, such as:

  1. Damaged or broken cat nails can cause cats to scratch excessively to relieve discomfort.
  2. Furniture damage and scratch marks are an obvious sign that can inform you of scratch cat problems.
  3. Aggressive or cranky behaviour is also an indicator of scratch cat problems.  
  4. Sudden attacking without any provocation can also denote a scratching problem in cats.

How can I get my cat to stop scratching the couch?

If you want to avoid your cat clawing the couch, you can purchase a scratching post for them to use instead. Using a citrus spray is also effective as a cat repellent to keep them off furniture. In addition, you can also trim their claws to make sure they stop scratching couches. However, if your cat ventures outdoors, it is better to use homemade cat repellent sprays than to have them declawed.

Why is my cat scratching the furniture?

One of the primary reasons behind a cat scratching the furniture is to maintain and sharpen their claws. However, in addition, cats scratch furniture to condition paw muscles, relieve stress, stretch, as well as to mark territories and leave scent signals. Scent signals, combined with claw husks and scratches are strong visual cues for other cats.

Can cats be trained not to scratch furniture?

Cat clawing is one of the natural urges in cats, which not just helps in marking territory or sharpening claws, but for relieves stress and feeling good. If trained from a young age, cats can get accustomed to not scratching furniture.

Why does my cat rub against my legs when I walk?

If you are wondering why do cats rub against your legs, this article aims at explaining this behaviour. It is common for cats to rub against the legs of loved ones. Though it mostly signifies love and affection, it is a complex social interaction for cats. By rubbing against the legs of their favourite humans, cats leave scent signals to claim possession and belongingness, as well as for greetings and identification. Therefore, the next time you wonder why the cat rubbing head on me, remember to shower it with all the love and affection.

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